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Your 5 Principle Framework for Life

Over forty years ago, I made an (un)fortunate career choice to enter the computer industry during its infancy. It is a brutal business that changes radically every twelve to eighteen months, has tremendous cost pressures and has huge financial rewards. It is not for the faint of heart. To survive during my career, I derived five principles that provide a broad framework for life: Disruptive change will constantly occur Live one day at a time Keep a positive attitude Do something significant Embrace the richness of life Disruptive change will constantly occur Change and disruption constantly occur. Disruptive change has…

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Become Aware of Your Real Wisdom

The real wisdom does not need words or explanation: it is silent. It is always inside of you, and you have to quiet your thoughts to hear it. You don’t even have to try to do anything special to hear The Wisdom. It is your essence; it is natural to you. It is who you are. You just need to be aware of who you really are. You already are everything you want to be. You are perfect, you are the Divine part of the Infinite Whole. Often you are not aware of it. Everything around you is perfect. All…

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The Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned From Dogs

Everything I've learned so far I've learned from dogs! I love watching dogs run after seagulls on the beach. They set their sights on a flock and then are focused, single-minded, and even quite passionate about running down a bird. At the same time, they are very fulfilled in the thrill of the chase, having a tremendous amount of fun just frolicking on the beach. Going home without having caught a bird doesn't for one moment diminish their love of life. When we realize that just being alive is the gift that keeps on giving, we may pursue our own…

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5 Choices that Will Change Your Life

We can choose to grow habits of the mind and the heart that will guide us naturally to love and service. We can blossom through presence and good mental habits to awaken our authentic spirit. Love is the common denominator. Love is the universal energy of the universe. The human condition is enduring; adversity will forever ascend. The impact of adversity can be an insidious virus or rich nourishment for our souls. We can choose to use adversity as nourishment to awaken our authentic spirit. Our authentic spirit is our love, which we are, and our service, how we act.…

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Searching for Happiness? Try Living in the Moment

I believe true happiness must come from within. And in order to “make peace” within ourselves, we must try our best to live in the moment, every moment of the day. Mastering the art of living in the moment takes courage. Having awareness of the fact that most of our thoughts are held captive in the past or anxiously awaiting the future is the first step to freedom. How do we live in the moment? By awakening to the present, clearing away our illusions or the “dust in our eyes” that cloud our ability to see what is real. Here…

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Ashton Aiden

Need a Miracle? Look Within!

The most basic and fundamental truth of our existence is a miracle... Our very reality is founded upon goodness, love, peace, and joy... This is what we are to our core. The very source of our existence has come from this goodness, and this is truly all that exists. This also means that the negativity we experience in life, whether it be fear, anxiety, sorrow, or anger, is only an illusion. Though this may seem far removed from the experience that most people are having in their life right now, it is possible for anyone and everyone to have an…

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7 Pearls of Wisdom for a Happy and Fulfilled Life

Is it true that man is the product of his environment? The answer is NO, because growing up in Haiti in times of political instability, insecurity and extreme poverty, the fate of my life couldn’t be anything but an enormous failure. I would not let circumstances define who I am but instead who I am would change my circumstances -- and who I am is a conqueror. Indeed, it took me some time to fully understand who I am; nevertheless, when I finally figured it out, nothing could stop me from living up to that standard. During my journey to…

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Beeaje Quick

Feelings – The Divine Influence Within Us

There is a bountiful spectrum of inspiration to draw from in life. One way to channel inspiration is from the divine influence within us, commonly delivered in the form of a feeling. Each one of us gravitates to colors and smells we like-- or do we? It's no secret that we are heavily influenced by marketing, economics, and cultural upbringing, so it might be fair to contest that our natural inspiration can become manipulated, arresting our core development. When I was a teenager, I wanted to become a cartoonist, but a teacher said that cartoonists usually possess an aptitude for…

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Take Advantage of This Joyful Ride

Life is Mother Nature's most important gift. Life is the time provided to us by nature to pursue our dreams and goals and live it to the fullest. Life is an ongoing experience, where each one of us faces different situations and incidents that either make or break us. It's just a matter of the way you perceive things; it's your attitude towards the experiences that make your life a joyful ride. To me the difference between a successful and unsuccessful person is whether or not they are taking action instead of giving-up. If there is one thing I don't…

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Finding the Opportunity in a Stroke

I had a stroke in June 2011 and went through a complete transformation of self, learning so much from facing such a life-altering experience that almost killed me. The biggest questions in my mind became "What's really important in life?" and "How do I create a new life for myself?" We are presented with opportunities from one minute to the next throughout our lives, good and bad. When the opportunity comes in the form of a life-altering experience such as mine, our choices of how to handle it will either propel us forward on a journey of inner peace or…

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Each Day, More Precious Than The Last

In my work with the sick and dying, I am all too familiar with having that last day on earth. It is a humbling experience to be present when someone leaves their physical shell behind to journey home. It is in these moments that I am divinely aware of how precious each day is. Recently, as I held the hand of a woman dying, she whispered this in my ear: If I had forgiven my son, he'd be holding my hand right now. Tell those around you they need to practice forgiveness and be grateful for the many blessings in…

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You Can Find Miracles In Every Day!

75 trillion. That's approximately how many cells there are in the human body. Each one of them is performing millions of teeny tiny miracles a day. Why do I call these miracles? Consider, your heart knows which direction to pump your blood. Your lungs know how to take in air and distribute oxygen. Your intestines know how to extract nutrients from food and pass them into your bloodstream. All of these things happen without your ever having to think about it. Many of us don't even know which organs are where, let alone understand how all of this happens. We…

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Do You Have Too Much Stuff?

In this very instant, right where you are, you have everything you need to create the life of your dreams. In fact... You Have Too Much. We live in the most abundant times in human history. We're so blessed, we're stressed. We have so many clothes, we often experience Apparelization: the stress felt undecided, frozen in our closets, paralyzed by our apparel. Most Americans cannot fit their car in their garage. Storage is a billion dollar business. Our children have more toys and gadgets than their room was designed to hold. We get angry with them when it becomes a mess.…

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How You Can Prepare For Your Destiny

No matter what life scenarios or predicaments you're in, just think of two words... adventure, adventure. We've heard the song, "Que será será, whatever will be, will be." Yet whatever is going to be, doesn't always have to become what is expected. Fate, destiny, karma, miracles, chi (qi), the Force... they're all intangibles in the invisible energies of the world/universe, yet their narratives, stories and conclusions are as visible as the ways they've been written and lived. We can't stop the next day from happening, yet if you're willing to work hard, you can prepare for the days ahead knowing…

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10 Essentials for a Wildly Successful Life

Whether you are planning a trip or packing the kids for camp, there are certain items that need to be considered. Here is a twist on the traditional backpacking pack-list. 10 Essentials for a Wildly Successful Life Navigation: map, compass, possibly a GPS (goal progress system) Hydration: drink, drink drink more water and establish a practice to allow flow into and out of your life emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Nutrition: empower your body, mind, and soul regularly Protection: set boundaries where necessary. Have a place/process for retreating and regrouping. Go there as often as necessary, at least once a week…

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Triumph Over the Toughest Challenges

I was 27 years old, at the start of my medical career and expecting my first child, when the neurologist confirmed what the first clinician had suspected - the tremor I had been experiencing over the preceding year was Young Onset Parkinson's Disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disease for which there is no cure. The diagnosis was made and my dance with denial, fear, anger and secrecy began, one that lasted almost a decade. Thoughts of disability and helplessness eventually turned to hope and optimism but the transformation was a painful and difficult process. My story however is not unique. Each…

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Savoring The Journey And The Destiny

Over the course of my lifetime there have been many dark moments - moments of trauma, drama, tragedy and unclarity. In the depths of the dark night of the soul experiences that sometimes have lasted for several years I have found myself again and again on my knees in some way reaching out for support, guidance and a way home to peace and harmony. I've been advised to stay focused on the journey -it's about the journey and not the destination. I've been encouraged to focus on what's good in the moment - truth is that there are moments where…

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Creating Your Success Self-Concept

Some of the things I would suggest are to work on your self-esteem, take care of your health, and to give to others. Too many people have low self-esteem and it can impact all of us. People tend to behave in alignment with their self-concept or their beliefs about themselves and who they are. So here's what I suggest: create a success self-concept for yourself. When you are the success you wish to be, based on how you define success, what would your behavior say is true of you in terms of your traits, qualities, and characteristics? Would it say…

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Improve Your Attitude, Improve Your Life!

Changing and improving our attitude can help us change the way we see and do things. I have learned that a positive mental attitude is far more important than aptitude to succeed in life. I also learned that it is not easy at first because we all have been conditioned since we were born to see and do things and in many cases to think a certain way. But with practice we can improve our attitude. Here are my top ten tips to build and maintain a positive mental attitude: 1. Stay away from negative and pessimistic people. 2. Do…

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Being Brilliant Is Your Birthright

You are made of light, so being brilliant is your birthright. You are made of the rebirth of stars, and hold the gravity of the universe in the curve of your smile, so the power that is you is the power that moves through all things. Harness it, channel it in a direction of passion, and witness the magnificence of your own illumination! The shamans and doctors of physics agree that everything is just light, and inside of you is the fuel that ignites the sun. Burn it for a purpose that you love! Know that time and space are…

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8 Beliefs to Launch Your New Worldview

You have all the tools you'll ever need to solve any challenge or climb any mountain you truly desire within you right now. It's just a question of which you and which worldview you decide to create. Therefore, it's always up to you to choose the kind of world you wish to live in, and the kind of ideals you wish to practice each day. As you continue on your journey, consider how the following core beliefs may be used to create your own new worldview: You are Divine, born in a state of eternal, natural grace which you have…

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